Quadratic EN60534 incompressible

Created Montag 23 November 2015

This model provides a nonlinear pressure drop model for incompressible flows according tp DIN EN 60534 2-1, Mass flow rate through the vessel depends on the opening, the inlet density and the pressure difference. The flow resistance is defined by the nominal volume flow rate Kv and some geometry parameters. Please note, this model does not support two-phase flow. However choking of the mass flow rate due to evaporation in the vena contracta is considered by the DIN EN 60534 2-1.

1. Purpose of Model

The model can be used for introducing pressure loss effects (either due to physical or numerical motivation), when the inlet density of the vessel may vary considerably over time and choked flow due to evaporation in vena contracta may occur. Since the model neglects changes in kinetic energy it implies either small density changes or adapted flange geometry. It is possible to use the valve as a check valve, for example to avoid back flows. Since the model takes inlet density into account it is considered less robust than e.g. Components:VolumesValvesFittings:Valves:Fundamentals:LinearNominalPoint but shows a more realistic behaviour when it comes to density variations in the upstream components and choked flow conditions.

2.1 Level of Detail

Referring to Brunnemann et al. [1], this model refers to the level of detail L1 because no spatially discretisation is featured

2.2 Physical Effects Considered

3. Limits of Validity

4. Interfaces

the calculated mass flow rate is accessed via
inlet.m_flow = pressureLoss.m_flow
in the superordinate valve model

5. Nomenclature

6. Governing Equations

The pressure difference is calculated as follows:

The mass flow rate correlates with the pressure difference as follows:

with the following definitions:

7. Remarks for Usage

9. References

[1] Johannes Brunnemann and Friedrich Gottelt, Kai Wellner, Ala Renz, André Thüring, Volker Röder, Christoph Hasenbein, Christian Schulze, Gerhard Schmitz, Jörg Eiden: "Status of ClaRaCCS: Modelling and Simulation of Coal-Fired Power Plants with CO2 capture", 9th Modelica Conference, Munich, Germany, 2012
[2] DIN EN 60534 -2.1 "Industrial-process control valves – Part 2-1: Flow capacity – Sizing equations for fluid flow under installed conditions" (German version), Beuth Verlag, Germany, 2011.
[3] Walter Wagner: "Regelarmaturen", ISBN 3-8023-15664-2, Vogel Buchverlag, Germany, 1996.

10. Authorship and Copyright Statement for original (initial) Contribution

DYNCAP/DYNSTART development team, Copyright 2011 - 2022.
This component was developed during DYNCAP/DYNSTART projects.
ClaRa originated from the collaborative research projects DYNCAP and DYNSTART. Both research projects were supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (FKZ 03ET2009 and FKZ 03ET7060).
The author(s) have agreed to ClaRa CLA, version 1.0. See https://claralib.com/pdf/CLA.pdf
By agreeing to ClaRa CLA, version 1.0 the author has granted the ClaRa development team a permanent right to use and modify his initial contribution as well as to publish it or its modified versions under the 3-clause BSD License.

11. Version History

Backlinks: ClaRa:Components:VolumesValvesFittings:Fittings:SprayInjectorVLE L3 ClaRa:Components:VolumesValvesFittings:Fittings:SprayInjectorVLE L3 advanced ClaRa:Components:VolumesValvesFittings:Valves:GenericValveGas L1 ClaRa:Components:VolumesValvesFittings:Valves:GenericValveVLE L1 ClaRa:Components:VolumesValvesFittings:Valves:ValveFuelFlueGas L1